Egypt Sex Art

What Does Your Egyptian Zodiac Sign Reveal About Your Sex Life

The cosmos determined one's destiny the Egyptians believed, as well as their personality, desires, and even sexuality. Leading to the same conclusion as that of Western astrology, in which there are twelve signs, corresponding to twelve deities. These gods and goddesses embody traits that reveal their secrets about the way you operate within relationships, love and intimacy. Wanna know what your sex life is like based on your ancient Egyptian zodiac sign? How do the stars align, you ask … in the bedroom??

1. Amon-Ra (April 26 – May 25)

As a deity, Amon-Ra is the god of kings and king of gods. Whether it was leadership strength or life vitality all came from his domain. This sign is renowned for its force of will and a powerful presence that often emphasizes the less chaste approach towards sex.

This article was first published here: Sexuality There is no playing games with the Amon-Ra sign as it’s to the point and straight for what they want in the bedroom. One side of them is aggressive, but they are also giving as lovers and do as much to please their partners as they do to themselves.

2. Mut (January 22 – February 21)

Goddess Mut — the archetype of nurturing, care and a fundamental emotional bond. Individuals born under aquarius tend to be more evolved when it comes to those they value as important relationships in their life.

SEX: sex is always emotional and intensely intimate for Mut sign They do not see you as a placeholder, nor are they looking for an arrangement of convenience — they want to bond with someone robustly and deeply. Signs act as caregivers for others which means they are extremely attentive lovers who put the needs of their partner before their own.

3. Geb (February 12 – March 20)

The second y, Geb y Pta-k: was the god of the Earth — he had dominion over fertility and abundance. They are practical, sensuous and in touch with their physical needs.

Sexuality: Geb signs love the feeling of being in their bodies and like sex for a physical experience. They are passionate sensualist, and giving themselves completely to the moment. People who live and are relaxed in natural surroundings, such as forest people them thrive even better in environments that make you feel safe. That's why they often fantasize about an adventure where they come out into nature.

4. Osiris (March 1 — March 10, and November 27 — December 18)

Osiris god of the afterlife and resurrection — represents transformation and rebirth If you're born under his sign you are likely passionate and very mysterious.

Sexuality: Those born under Osiris have a sort of charismatic appeal that draws others to them. They have a very strong sexual energy and most of the times, they enjoy to have deep, transformative experience with their partners. These are people with a great depth of emotional intelligence, they see right through people and any dishonesty.

5. Isis (March 11. — March 31 and October 18. — November 29)

Like Isis, goddess of motherhood and magic, that is devotion and protection. Isis: Loving and loyal, it takes a lot to make an Isis sign angry.

In relationships Isis signs are extremely devoted to their partners and put their partner's emotional well-being very high on the list. Sex for them is a natural expression of love and togetherness, sometimes having spiritual overtones. Anyways, when it comes to relationships they are nurturing and sensitive (mama bear), tending to make them very attentive lovers who emergency need emotional intimacy.

6. Horus (May 8 – May 27, October…

It is a symbol of vision, courage and ambition contains the eye of Horus — falcon-headed god of the sky & kingship. Lively, confident and having a yearning wand for adventure- these are the qualities of people under this zodiac.

Sexuality: She of Horus — Born He: Every day is a new adventure in bed and they are willing to try anything once, even if it will be disgusting. I know all 6 because I too, am an Aries-they are loud, daring and sometimes start everything in the relationship. They often view sex as a dare and an art, so they are attracted to a daring partner.

7. Thoth: (April 1 -19, and Nov ember 8-17)

Thoth is known as the god of wisdom and knowledge, he represents intellect and creativity. Sexually, Thoth people are looking for a person with whom they can discuss everything, they think positively about them.

Sex: A romantic, who knows how to talk the talk(Thoth is communicative.) They need mental connection, not just physical attraction. These signs are in for the intellectual foreplay, and it means that they are willing to test out various intimacy styles. They do well in partnerships where they can express themselves openly.

8. Anwkh ( May 9 – May 27, June 13 – June 22 )

Anubis: death, mummiesprotection, mystery. People who born under Anubis use to be mysterious and seductive.

Sexuality: Scorpios like it dark and taboo. They are extremely empathetic and can figure out what their partner wants without them saying a word. What Anubis signs seek in love: Anubis signs are seductive partners passionate about exploring the unknown, darkest crevices of your sexuality.

9. Wendigo (July 14 – July 28 and September 23 – September 27)Bastet

In sensuality and playfulness, she is perhaps seductress Bastet the cat-headed goddess of home, love and fertility. Bastet: Loving, protective and immensely loyal.

Sexuality – Bastet signs are fun and playful in bed, but it is important for them to also have emotional connection with their partners. They love with their whole heart, they are very flirtatious and appreciate tender moments captured behind safe words. Fun and spontaneity are the trademark of their relationships.

10. Sekhmet (29.07-11.08) and (30.10–7.11)

A lion-headed war goddess of healing and that has been reported to have hot depthSehkmet is the well-grounded, powerful staff-helper organization. These sun sign people are fearless and never hold back when it comes to intense situations.

In bed: the hot and confident sex-icon. They are strong and passionate, they are often drawn to high energy experiences with their partners. They Love To Push The Limits And Want In Their Life A Partner Who Is Just Like That, Just As Intense Or Daring.

11. Sphinx (Aug 12 – Aug 19 and Nov 1 – Nov 7)

Sphinx — a mythical creature symbolizing mystery and puzzles. They are enigmatic at their core, and usually do not disclose what they truly desire from life.

Sexuality: Sphinx signs can be a little puzzling in the bedroom and prefer sex that challenges their mind as well as their body. The seduction of the chase, always looking for those whose insides are just as wild as they appear on the surface. And when those walls come down you receive a lover of many levels, stereotypes are shattered by a passionate lover who like to take their time exploring every inch of what their partner desires.

12. Set (October 1 – October 30)

Set The god of chaos and storms: Symbolizes Power, Change Set: Independent; free-willed to the point of being trouble.

Sex: Fixed signs are ravenous in bed They love things to happen spontaneously and sexually they consider it an adventure, a release from their inhibitions. They are free lovers in relation and they can easily transgress the rules for themselves or their partner, to keep the plan where there is a fire going on.


Sexuality was as diverse and confusing as the gods, in the zodiac of ancient Egypt. Your ancient sign might be describing your sexual style, ambitions and creature of habit. You're either a caring Mut or downright fiery Sekhmet. These symbols mirror the magnum feeling of connection to our universe and with our neighbors, this shows that the cosmos used to reside in our hearts even for thousands of year.

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