Making Love in the stars

Sexual Things You Suck At, According to Your Zodiac Sign

No one’s perfect—even in bed. Your zodiac sign might be able to show you some of your sexual strengths — but it can also point out places where you could stand to do a lot better. Or it can be that you are a little too controlling, or a little too shy or maybe it's just that you spend WAY too much time thinking about sex. No matter the scenario; each of these zodiac signs have some sexual INSECURITIES they will struggle to carry around with them as the rest takes place behind closed doors. Curious to know what you suck at sexually, based on your zodiac sign? We do a shamelessly fun, and shockingly accurate roasting of why each sign may not be as shiny and perfect as they think.

1. Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Where You Suck: Being Patient As an impatient Aries, you have a lot of passion and excitement in life but sometimes you are too focused on just getting there without enjoying the experience. Since you go straight to the point, foreplay tends to be skipped. As much as the frenzied speed of your energy can excite others, they need you to slow down and hold it in.

How to Improve This: Pay attention to anticipation — be patient and let the sexual tension build a little before you go in.

2. Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

You Suck At: Being Adventurous Taurus loves comfort (and routine, by default), which can sometimes make you a tad predictable in bed. You might be sensual, responsible (in every endeavor), and otherwise the best husband/boyfriend/partner on planet Earth — your comfort zone which eschews all new activities is boring as hell to someone eager to live an exciting and full life.

Improve Tip : Get out of your comfort zone, try something new. Leave your sensual look once,be versatile!

3. Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

You Suck At: Staying Focused Gemini is too playful and curious for its own good in the bedroom. As you are a big fan of variety and novelty, but this is also the reason why you cannot be present in your romantic relationship/dating. This leave you to process while your partner is left feeling like the conversation is one sided and that you are not fully present.

Action Step: Be present and aware of what your spouse needs. Take it easy, enjoy company and the experience.

4. Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Cancer's sensitivity and deep emotions are lovely, but can also make them very self-conscious in intimate situations. You Suck At: Getting Out of Your Own Head You might start to concern yourself with your physical appearance or if you are pleasing the other person, and this holds you back from going for it all!

TIP: Be Present, and get out of your own head and enjoy it. Believe that your significant other is still attracted to you and that he or she is interested in connecting with you emotionally.

5. Leo (July 23 – August 22)

You Suck At: Sharing the Spotlight Leos are actors and in bed, they love to be the star. Your belief in yourself may be alluring, but it can literally consume your person at times. The requirement to be revered means that you may have spent an inordinate amount of time on yourself — with very little left over to provide pleasure for the person whom champ should ideally please.

Way to Improve: Do not forget to credit the attention those texts are getting by replying in kind. He and she both want to be the star.

6. Virgo (August 23 — September 22)

You S-U-C-K at: RELAXING Virgos are notoriously perfectionists, this character may make them extremely critical; of themselves or their partner in bed. Your knack for detail (“We better get this just right…”) might kill the moment.

How to Get Better: Relax, stop overthinking. Sex is not a perfect thing, instead it's almost always imperfect if you're doing it right.

7. Libra (September 23 -October 22)

You Suck At: Making Decisions Libras love to keep things harmonious and balanced, which can land you in bed a little indecisive. You are trying so hard to keep your partner happy that you may forget about your wants. That can result in a total lack of direction, leaving your partner confused regarding what's next.

How to Get Better: Take Control and Tell Him What You Want If you want a dominant man, then make sure he knows. It will also serve as a reminder to your partner that even more so of what they want!

8. Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)

You Suck At: Being a Human Fire Scorpios are passionate and intense, which is most definitely their claim to fame when it comes to astrological stereotypes. Sexuality is very important to you. Although, this can mean for some of the deepest bonds ever experienced, it may occasionally bring a kind of gravity to some interactions that were not meant to be heavy in the first place. Play around and keep things fun.

How to Improve: you need to be able to play. Sex isn't always required to be maudlin — sometimes it's just about having fun.

9. Sagittarius (November xx – December xx)

Consistency You Suck At: Consistency Sagittarius loves adventure and excitement, but your never-ending thirst for new experiences can make you a difficult partner to keep for the long haul. On other side if things get repetitive, you can quickly tire of this person and she might feel that she is not important to you, since one day you treat her like a queen and the next day you barely pay attention to her.

What to Work On: Try not to get ahead of yourself with this person (or this moment), or how you think things ought to be. Routines that are still fresh, and a sense of stability could really deepen your bond.

10. Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

You Suck: Releasing That Emotional Armor Capricorns are known for their strength and dependability, but your emotional shield gets in the way of being able to be vulnerable leading to intimacy. However, you are usually shy about it, so your partner may not end up reaching you on a spiritual level while y’all are in bed together.

See here to improve: Start expressing the emotional side of yours more often while you are with your partner and try not to be emotionless. Let them in, and you will both have a more pleasurable sex life.

11. Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

You Suck At: Being An Emotionally Available Aquarius is inquisitive and intellectual, yet you may come off emotionally unavailable to your significant others. As you apply this interest in following up on new ideas and methodology in bed, maybe your partner is left feeling unconnected emotionally and as not part of that connection.

How to make things better: Try working on emotional intimacy with physical. Your partner wants to know that they are connecting with the real you in a deeper way than experimenting, sexually.

12. Pisces (Feb 19- Mar 20)

Staying Grounded Pisces is dreamy, romantic and deeply emotional- but you can often get lost in your own world of fantasies. That generates some wildly artistic sex…yet it also can make a partner start to feel like the other is in their own little world separate from reality.

How to Get Better: Keep it casual and maintain staying on top of what your partner needs in the present. Mixing in a little fantasy with the reality will make a bond that much stronger.


With every zodiac sign come its pros and cons in the bedroom. If you could use a slower approach to orgasm if you're an Aries, or being less hung up on their dick size if you're a Cancer, or sharing the spotlight and having some public sex next time around as a Leo, then learning how to improve will lead to more fulfilling sex. Pay attention to the characteristics that make you, you under your sign of the month and also be aware of what you can focus on in order to grow!

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